This Blog Has Been Medically Reviewed By Dr. Karbakhsch and Dr. Katafuchi

Older Black Male With Nice TeethHave you finally decided to treat your receding gums with gum grafting? Have you recently been through the procedure?

Either way, by following the tips we have shared here and the instructions given by your periodontist, you can help speed up recovery after gum grafting:

Use Ice Packs

Ice packs work great for alleviating pain and swelling that follows grafting surgery. Use them at 10-minute intervals during the first 24 hours after the surgery and as required afterward.
Note that ice packs are not a replacement for pain killers and anti-inflammatory medicines prescribed by your doctor, so do not stop using them.

Be Careful of Your Diet

It is common knowledge that you should avoid eating hard or crunchy foods or things that require a lot of chewing after gum grafting. Instead of relying on store-bought fruit juices, consume healthy, nutrient-packed soft or liquid foods, such as soups and homemade smoothies.

To aid your body in recovering, supply it with the right nutrients. Vitamin A and C and protein are particularly helpful in recovering after surgery; so, include foods in your diet that are rich in these nutrients.

Try to consume foods at room temperature and avoid anything too hot or too cold.

Rinse with Salt Water

Completely avoid rinsing your mouth for the first 24 hours after gum grafting (no matter how badly you want to do it). However, after one day has passed, you can rinse with warm salt water after the first day, which will help heal your gums faster.

Prepare your saltwater by mixing 1 teaspoon of salt per 8 ounces of warm water and gently rinse your mouth with it several times throughout the day, particularly after eating or drinking something.

Avoid Talking (As Much As Possible)

We know you cannot completely stop talking, but try to avoid it as much as possible. Talking causes your mouth’s muscles to stretch, which, in turn, can loosen up the gauze and increase the chances of bleeding. Refraining from speaking is hard, but try to remain silent as much as possible for the first two to three days after gum grafting surgery.

Do Not Exert Pressure On Your Mouth!

Avoid doing anything that can potentially exert pressure on your mouth and gums for at least a week after the grafting surgery. Talking less and avoiding hard, crunchy, chewy foods are all tips to ensure there is no pressure on your jaw. Besides this, you should also avoid exercising or even running /walking very fast for at least a week, or as advised by your doctor.
Anything that exerts pressure on your jaw or gums increases the chances of bruising, bleeding, and swelling, causes more pain, and delays healing. If any complication occurs, such as an abnormal amount of bleeding or unbearable pain, get in touch with your doctor immediately.

If you have more questions about gum grafting recovery or want to know something about the gum grafting procedure itself, schedule a consultation session with an experienced periodontist at MK Periodontics and Implants.